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Thinking Through Genre

My favorite movie is Legally Blonde, and that might sound a little dumb because there are movies out there that are more “wowing” and “groundbreaking” but I will explain why this movie is the best movie ever. 


It might not be a surprise from my previous statement that I am also a big fan of the “Rom Com” (romantic comedy) genre of movies. What I love about these movies is the balance between an endearing and funny story, with a subplot of a romantic storyline. I personally am not the biggest fan of movies that are solely meant to be a romantic story, it makes me cringe and can be too sappy for my liking. But the criteria of a rom com is literally that it is romantic and funny. Usually the romance is written as sort of a secondary goal of the writers with more growth and a storyline around the main character as an individual as the primary goal. When the romance is written just correctly, it should be subtle enough as to just be quiet up until the middle or the end of the movie. For example in Legally Blonde, Elle Woods was navigating being taken seriously at Harvard Law School while being a stereotypical “girly girl.” The main point was to watch Elle Woods gain independence and defy other people's perceptions of what is professional and what is not. Additionally, in the end Elle found a guy that was proud of her femininity and never questioned her intelligence. 


The balance of romance and comedy leave you feeling happy, feelings of love, and depending on the story, somewhat moved. There were plenty of funny moments in Legally Blonde involving some of the side characters like the scenes in the salon with her friend Paulette. There are also moving and empowering moments, for example when she defied people's expectations that she would drop out, stood up to her ex boyfriend that wouldn’t take her seriously, and that she was unapologetically herself without changing to assimilate with her classmates. All of these things leave you feeling really satisfied with the movie, and of course it also helps that she finds love in the end. 

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